Now Available

Condor Moon


A Romantic Suspense Novel

The first book in the Rima Larkin Series:

Wanting to shake up her boring routine life, ecologist Rima Larkin makes a risky move. She quits her government job and goes into business for herself as an environmental consultant. 

She hopes the change will bring new challenges, and with any luck, a little romance into her mundane world.

What she doesn't expect is sabotage.    Or someone trying to kill her.

Her first job is supposed to be a simple inventory of the plants and animals in a remote canyon in the Arizona desert, but it quickly spirals Rima into a dangerous vortex of deception, fraud and environmental intrigue. She finds the challenge she wants, but it may prove too much for her when she becomes the target of an unknown sniper. 

As she delves deeper into the mystery her job has become, Rima must make a choice. Does she trust a stranger who says he is trying to save her or is he the one who is trying to kill her? 

condor copy © Tanna Thornburg 2014